Racial Justice Training

Racial Justice 101 Training 

This interactive 3-hour workshop is designed to equip participants to:

  • Define oppression and understand how the different “isms” are connected.
  • Define race and understand how and why this concept developed in the U.S.
  • Define racism and provide examples of how this manifests itself today.
  • Define white privilege and provide examples of what this looks like.
  • Define racial justice and apply to their personal/professional lives.

Racial Justice 102 Training

This interactive 3-hour workshop is designed to equip participants to:

  • Identify and breakdown common racial stereotypes.
  • Understand the impact of language, and identify racially coded words/phrases.
  • Gain practical strategies for responding to “OUCH!” moments.
  • Understand what it means to be an ally.

Straight Talk on Race in the Workplace Training

This interactive 2-hour workshop is designed to equip participants to:

  • Gain a basic framework for understanding oppression and racism.
  • Understand the impact of racialized language in a work environment.
  • Understand the appropriate racial language to use, avoid and why.
  • Gain strategies for responding to racist “OUCH!” moments.

 For more information about the YWCA's Racial Justice programing, please contact missionwork@ywcahbg.org.

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